Sobre mim

Nascida no final da década de 70, casada e mãe de dois filhos, que são a luz dos meus olhos ...
O gosto pela arte remota antigas gerações de família... mas foram os números que me deram a profissão.
A maternidade fez-me repensar os desígnios da minha existência e eis que consegui dar vida aos meus sonhos de criança...
Adoro artesanato em geral e experimentei tudo o que me fascina.... Mas quando descobri o Scrapbooking, conheci uma verdadeira explosão de informação para adotar...para aperfeiçoar, para criar dentro da minha verdadeira paixão … o Cardmaking.

Hi my name is Sara I was born in the late 70s, married and mother of two sons who are the light of my eyes ... The taste for art remote generations old family ... but were the numbers they gave me the job.  Motherhood made ​​me rethink the designs of my existence and behold I could give life to my childhood dreams ...
I love crafts in general and I experienced everything that fascinates me .... But when I discovered Scrapbooking, I met a veritable explosion of information ... to adopt to improve, to create within my true passion ... the Cardmaking.  Besides the possibility of creating something, Cardmaking allows me to highlight my personality of person who enjoys a certain nostalgia for the tastes and traditional worshiping and remembering the past and worry about memorizing moments to remember in the future of mother that wants to transmit moments passed on to future generations, particularly their children. That's where the magic of Cardmaking ...  With full awareness of my limitations in this wide world, I thirst for learning and creating'll always with great affection and dedication, carving my papers, giving meaning to my soul ...
I consider myself a restless creature that constantly seeks perfection ....
I love paper, I love the vintage style and the colors that fascinate me are the pink, blue and brown, though I love all the colors in general ...
Techniques ... now that's a good thing to learn to name things and a lot to learn!!

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